Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The RIFM Human Health Science Program

Before moving to Florida, perfume and fragrance executive Ken Wessel presided over Wessel Fragrance, a company he founded in New Jersey. In 2008, Mr. Wessel sold Wessel Fragrances to Takasago International Corporation. For more than three decades, Ken Wessel was also an active board member of the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM).

RIFM evaluates the safety of fragrance materials used in everyday consumer products. The institute’s Human Health Science Program extrapolates exposure data in collaboration with data science company Creme Global to identify possible toxicity and adverse reactions.

RIFM tests and monitors ingredients to understand their potential to cause cancer, developmental issues, or problems with the respiratory system. The institute uses diverse measures, such as human studies and data models, to evaluate the safety of materials.

In addition to conducting tests, RIFM publishes its findings in respected journals. The institute also advances progress in fragrance safety by developing new evaluation and assessment tools.

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