Tuesday, May 17, 2022

SRA Public Guardian Program

A former executive based in Vero Beach, Florida, Ken Wessel founded Wessel Fragrances in 1998. To give back to the community, Ken Wessel supports charitable organizations such as the Senior Resource Association, which promotes health and independence for older adults in Indian River County, Florida.

The Senior Research Association (SRA) operates multiple programs designed to preserve the dignity of older adults. For example, the SRA Public Guardian program appoints a guardian to incapacitated adults who cannot make their own legal decisions or adequately care for themselves. Because these individuals are vulnerable to elder abuse and neglect, a public guardian can monitor and advocate for their unique needs.

Through the Public Guardian program, incapacitated adults receive custom care plans that outline mental health and medical treatment. Additionally, the program helps connect older adults with social services and residential placement. To protect adults from financial fraud, guardians can open and maintain bank accounts, assist with insurance benefits, and oversee property and Social Security benefits.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cultivating a Reading Culture in Children

Ken Wessel founded Wessell Fragrances in 1988 and sold the company to Takasago International Corporation Inc in 2008. A member of the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials' Board of Directors, Ken Wessel was honored with a plaque in 2008 for his 33 years of service. In his spare time, he enjoys playing tennis and reading.

Reading is an essential skill that every child should learn because it benefits child development and can set them on a path to success. A good reading culture is motivated by a desire to learn and entertain oneself through reading. Textbooks, news articles, and novels, to name a few, should be included in this category for children.

Reading is an effective method to teach and expose children to lessons and perspectives they would ordinarily not learn in their immediate environment. Thus, books cultivate interests in things beyond their school curriculum and broaden their worldview while nurturing a deeper understanding and empathy for people different from them.

Also, reading promotes emotional development in children because books frequently elicit various emotional responses from readers, such as sadness, fear, and happiness. This experience enables children to recognize and express their emotions when they encounter them in real-life situations.

Furthermore, it expands their vocabulary as they come across new words as they read. Reading is an effective way to expose children to words and phrases that are not commonly used around them, providing them with a rich and diverse vocabulary.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Overview of Senior Resource Association

Seasoned entrepreneur Ken Wessel founded a fragrance company, Wessell Fragrances, in 1988 and sold the company to Takasago International Corporation Inc. in 2008. Ken Wessel is an active community member and affiliated with many organizations that provide care for senior citizens including Senior Resource Association in Vero Beach Florida.

Established in 1974, the Senior Resource Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and services that prove useful in facilitating an active and healthy lifestyle for older people. To this end, the organization offers its clients a wide range of programs to cater to different but specific needs.

Tailored to suit the social needs of the elderly, the Adult Enrichment and Respite program gathers older people with similar interests and fosters interactions between them. The program is based on a belief that old age is a great time for socializing, sharing lessons with others, and connecting with people on a communal level.

The Meals on Wheels nutrition program provides nutritious meals to older people through a door delivery carried out by friendly volunteers. The program provides an opportunity for a wellness check and provides older people with a sense of security and adequate nutrition.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Early Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

Based in Vero Beach, Florida, Ken Wessel is an experienced executive and philanthropist with a career in the fragrance industry spanning five decades. He founded Wessel Fragrances, Inc. in 1988 before its sale to Takasago International Corporation in 2008. Ken Wessel has worked with multiple nonprofit organizations, including the Alzheimers/Parkinson Association.

Alzheimer's disease is a brain condition characterized by a deterioration in cognitive abilities, thinking, and the recollection of memories. It is also the leading cause of dementia. Over six million Americans, the majority of which are 65 or older, have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. However, it is important to note that Alzheimer's disease is not a condition that naturally accompanies old age.

Memory loss is an early sign of Alzheimer's disease to look out for. Testing is advisable when it becomes hard for a person to recollect basic information such as names and dates without repetitive questions. Another early indicator of Alzheimer's disease is the difficulty of executing basic daily activities. This difficulty is not tied to physical exertion, and testing is equally imperative.

Further early signs of Alzheimer's disease include difficulty following conversations, rapid mood swings, and problems in problem-solving.